Upper Eyelid Lift

Upper Eyelid Lift

The upper eyelid lift—also sometimes known as upper blepharoplasty—can help you enjoy a more youthful, rejuvenated look by addressing wrinkles, sagging, or drooping in the upper eyelids.

Upper Eyelid Lift With Ptosis

Upper Eyelid Lift With Ptosis

This procedure is more than just an aesthetic enhancement; it’s about regaining your youthful vigor, enhancing your confidence, and transforming the way the world sees you – and more importantly, the way you see yourself.

Lower Eyelid Lift

Lower Eyelid Lift

The lower eyelid lift corrects the presence of sagging, drooping, or bags that have formed beneath your eyes so you can enjoy a more youthful, rested look.

Revision Blepharoplasty

Revision Blepharoplasty

From my years of experience, I can tell you that the eyes are more than just the window to the soul. They’re a mirror of our emotions, our vitality, our very essence.

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*Real Patient

Accesibilidad: si tienes problemas de visión o algún otro impedimento considerado en la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades o una ley similar, y deseas analizar posibles adaptaciones relacionadas con el uso de este sitio web, comunícate con nuestro Gerente de Accesibilidad al (305) 425-9953.
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