Deep Neck Lift

Deep Neck Lift

The deep neck lift—as its name suggests—involves a much deeper approach to neck lift surgery for a more comprehensive sense of rejuvenation in the neck and jawline areas.

Mini Necklift

Mini Necklift

As your trusted plastic surgeon, I’m here to help you realize your aesthetic goals and experience the transformation you’ve always envisioned.

Male Neck Lift

Male Neck Lift

As Dr. Chopra, I’ve had the pleasure of assisting countless men redefine their appearance and regain their confidence through the transformative power of a male neck lift.

Neck Liposuction

Neck Liposuction

Neck liposuction—sometimes also referred to as submental liposuction—enables you to sculpt and shape your neck and jawline with an exciting level of precision.

Chin Augmentation

Chin Augmentation

By carefully placing biocompatible chin implants, Dr. Chopra can augment your chin and/or jawline to create the exciting results you’ve always envisioned.

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*Real Patient

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