Karan Chopra™ MD

Botox and Dysport, the clock-rewinding injections

Discover the benefits of this instantaneous rejuvenation technique


Errase timelines
from your skin

Fine lines and wrinkles are caused by several factors. Some of them we can easily solve (such as dehydration), but others are more difficult to control just by sheer will, muscle contraction is one of those. 
Every time we do a face expression, our face muscles contract, creating folds in the skin. Over years and year or repetition, and as collagen and elastine decay because of natural aging, those folds start becoming more noticeable and permanent, becoming signs of aging.
Botox and Disport filler injections are great solutions for this issue as they make muscles freeze, relaxing them and stoping them from contracting again, so the skin can recover its original, smooth surface.

 Botox and Disport filler injections are great solutions for this issue as they make muscles freeze, relaxing them and stoping them from contracting again, so the skin can recover its original, smooth surface.

They are also great alternatives because the results are instantaneous and there’s virtually no recovery time, just beautiful results waiting for you. Additionally, depending on your aesthetic objectives and the specific muscles we decide to treat, you may get extra health benefits such as:

  • Diminishing migranes
  • Reducing bruxism (harmful teeth grinding)
  • Aliviating tinnitus or vertigo

Are you curious?

Just beautiful results

Here are some of the potential benefits of Botox and Dysport fillers

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Rejuvenated appearance and smoother skin

By relaxing facial muscles and stoping them from contracting again, we literally turn back time on your skin, erasing fine lines and deeper wrinkles.


Subtle Results and no “frozen” face

Dr. Chopra’s vast experience guarantees natural outcomes, unlike “you’ve had work done.”

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Enjoy looking younger, with a beautiful, smooth skin.


Proporciones faciales mejoradas

One of the available Botox techniques we have is Masseter Botox, which tackles the muscles in change os mastication. They are the strongest muscle in the entire human body, and when they are overly active they tend to bulk up. By relaxing them, we can help you slim down your face, enhancing a natural V shape. 

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Virtually Zero Recovery Time

Botox and Dysport procedures are fantastic because of their instantaneous results and virtually no recovery time. You will only be required to no massage the treated area for a days and not doing strenuous activities for a few hours.

Dr. Chopra completed his plastic surgery training at the prestigious Johns Hopkins Hospital, an acclaimed institution ranked by U.S. News; World Report as the top overall hospital in the country for 21 consecutive years.

Por qué elegir
¿Dr Chopra?

Over 300 5-star reviews

Dr. Chopra is a Johns Hopkins-trained and board-certified plastic surgeon. He is known for his expertise and patient-centric approach. His extensive experience means he can find the best approach for each patient and handle any complications that may arise.

Do you have any questions?

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10+ años

de experiencia

icon 500 happy 1


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reseñas de cinco estrellas

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cirujano plástico

Los cirujanos plásticos certificados como el Dr. Chopra cumplen con los siguientes criterios:

  • Debe tener al menos seis años de formación quirúrgica.
  • Es obligatorio completar un programa acreditado de formación en cirugía plástica.
  • Necesario para realizar miles de procedimientos de cirugía estética y reconstructiva que abarcan varios tipos.
  • Necesidad de aprobar rigurosos exámenes escritos y orales.
  • Comprometerse a la educación continua a lo largo de sus carreras.
  • Participar en evaluaciones periódicas para mantener su estado de certificación de la junta.

Como puede ver, elegir un cirujano plástico certificado es el camino a seguir si desea obtener los mejores resultados de su tratamiento.

