The eyes are a defining characteristic of anybody’s appearance and the eyelids protect the eyes from the sun, water, and dust. Furthermore, the eyelids give the eyes their characteristic shape, size, and look. That is why people with droopy eyelids/hooded eyes look more tired and stressed.
Hooded eyelids occur when the extra skin from the eyebrow weighs down on the eyes, causing a droopy appearance. Unfortunately, hooded eyelids result from aging, congenital issues, underlying medical conditions, and eye injury. Therefore, they are mostly not preventable. But you can get an eyelid lift surgery to correct this issue.
Miami Plastic and Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Karan Chopra performs regularly eyelid ptosis surgery to help patients achieve the facial features they desire
It is sometimes easy to confuse hooded eyes with droopy eyes, but they are different. Hooded eyes are normal and hereditary, and they don’t affect vision. On the other hand, droopy eyes (Ptosis) result from aging or an underlying medical condition.
Ptosis is a condition where one or both eyelids droop. When dealing with eyelid ptosis, the skin covering the eyeballs, not the one near the brow, sags and affects vision.
Hooded eyes are a common facial feature. When the eyelids have a small flap of excess skin under each eyebrow, they create hooded eyelids. Unfortunately, these extra skin folds give the eyes a droopy appearance, making you look tired and sleepy. They can also make your face look exhausted and older.
Like many visible genetic traits, your eyelids are one. Although not guaranteed, parents with hooded eyes usually pass the trait to their children. Furthermore, obesity, sleep apnea, eye rubbing, and sun exposure lead to hooded eyes in addition to genetics. Also, with age, people develop or have more pronounced hooded eyes.
You can confirm if you have hooded eyes by looking in the mirror. When in front of the mirror, open your eyes comfortably. Then, check if the skin under your brow covers or almost covers your upper eyelids. If they do, then you most likely have hooded eyes.
You can also check if you have hooded eyes by checking your eyelash line. If the skin below your brow touches or almost touches the lash line, you may have hooded eyes. Generally, people with hooded eyes do not have much eyelid space.
The leading causes of hooded eyelids include aging, underlying medical conditions, eye injury and surgery, botox, and congenital (from birth).
The natural aging process affects the muscles supporting the eyelids. With time, the muscles get weaker and loose, leading to Ptosis. In addition, gravity, eye blinking, and sun rays contribute to stretching and weakening the muscles supporting the eyelid skin.
When both eyelids droop, it is usually due to an underlying medical condition. These conditions include Myasthenia Gravis, stroke, brain tumor, eye infection, or eyelid tumor.
Although temporary, LASIK, glaucoma, or cataract surgery may lead to hooded eyes. In addition, injury affects the nerves in the eye, causing them to droop. Also, wearing eye contact for a long time may cause eye injury.
Botox injections in the forehead may over-paralyze the forehead muscle, causing upper eyelid heaviness and droopy eyes.
Congenital Ptosis may occur at birth or develop later due to disease or injury. In addition, when the levator muscle holding the eyelid does not develop properly, the baby is likely to have one or two droopy eyelids.
Some people consider hooded eyelids attractive, especially when the sagginess is barely noticeable. But, if you experience any of the following, then you need to see a doctor:
Hooded eyelid treatment can be surgical or non-surgical, depending on the severity of the condition. You can find out what the suitable treatment plan for you is after scheduling a consultation with Dr. Chopra.
Dr. Chopra may recommend a non-surgical treatment if your eyelid droopiness is not severe. Non-surgical treatment options include:
Botox is a neurotoxin that prevents muscle movement, keeping the skin from folding over. When Botox is injected into the skin surrounding the eyes, it relaxes the muscles pulling the eyelids down. Consequently, it relieves eye heaviness and lifts the upper eyelid.
Dermal filler injections can give the eyelids more volume, plumping their appearance. Hyaluronic acid and other eye fillers are injected into the upper eyelids and brows, rejuvenating your eyes and giving them a younger look. Although fast, dermal fillers do not provide permanent results. So, you may need to get repeat injections for the best results.
Some doctors recommend special eyeglasses with crutches to treat hooded eyes. The crutches lift the eyelids, improving your vision. Eyeglasses are a suitable treatment for people with temporary hooded eyelids that don’t droop too much.
Incorrect placement of botox injections can partially paralyze eyelid and eyebrow muscles, causing droopiness. Iopidine eyedrops can help with this hooded eye because they make the eyelids contract quickly.
Surgical hooded eye treatment is suitable for more pronounced droopy eyes. In addition, they offer a more permanent solution, improving overall appearance. Surgical hooded eye treatment includes:
Upper blepharoplasty surgery is the most durable solution to droopy eyes. The procedure produces immediate results, a low downtime, and a dramatic change in appearance. Dr. Karan Chopra is a highly skilled cosmetic surgeon who can help you achieve the desired results.
During the surgery, Dr. Chopra will tighten the levator muscle, controlling the upper lid, and then lift the eyelid into a better position. The surgeon removes excess fat and skin from the upper eyelid, making the eyes look younger and bigger. Consequently, the eyes regain their youthful appearance, and you get to enjoy improved vision and eyesight. Children with droopy eyelids can also undergo blepharoplasty surgery to prevent lazy eyes.
The blepharoplasty procedure usually takes about 45 minutes. In addition, the post-operative pain is minimal. You should be able to recover and return to work within ten days of the surgery.
Brow lift surgery lifts the brows, making the eyes look younger. The surgeon will lift the deep forehead muscles and overlying skin during the surgery, bringing the whole face up. The brow lift surgery requires a minimally invasive endoscopic technique where the surgeon makes a small incision above the eyelids. Then, the surgeon can pull the eyelids up by lifting the forehead muscles.
Brow lift surgery is not only suitable for droopy eyes; it can also help you get rid of wrinkles, smoothening the skin around the eyes.
Home remedies for hooded eyes are temporary. But they can still help you look younger. Some home remedies you can try include:
Chamomile contains anti-inflammatory agents that treat hooded eyes. Before placing the bags over your eyes, keep them in hot water, then store them in the fridge for 15 to 20 minutes. Afterward, keep the bags on your eyes for 20 minutes
Cucumbers contain vitamin C and folic acid, helping to stimulate cell growth. Also, the cucumber cools your eyes because they are chilled, making them look refreshed and energetic;
The cold temperature of ice water firms the skin and reduces sagging;
Grapes have high resveratrol content. And resveratrol is known to slow cellular aging
As discussed earlier, there are several solutions to hooded eyelids. Now, the best solution for you depends on the level of sagginess in your eyelids. Furthermore, suppose you are experiencing vision problems or are unsatisfied with your look. In that case, eyelid lift surgery could be the best treatment for you.
Before getting a solution to your hooded eyelids, you must first consult with Dr. Karan Chopra. Generally, if you have minor drooping, the surgeon may recommend non-surgical options like botox or hyaluronic acid dermal fillers. Although they provide immediate and natural-looking results, they are not durable in the long run.
Suppose you have significant droopiness in your eyelids. In that case, your surgeon may recommend a more permanent fix like a brow or eyelid lift. Sometimes, you may even get both procedures at the same time.
It is important to note that home remedies are not a permanent solution to hooded eyelids.
Fillers and injectables can plump and add volume to your eyes. Nevertheless, only surgery can remove the excess fat and skin surrounding the eyelids. So, suppose you are looking for a more permanent solution to your hooded eyelids. In that case, a blepharoplasty or eyebrow lift surgery is necessary.
Weight gain increases fat accumulation in the body. Unfortunately, the eyelids also accumulate fat. Consequently, the eyelids sag and become heavy due to fat accumulation. Eventually, weight gain causes your eyes to droop.
Are you ready to take the journey towards a more youthful, refreshed look? I invite you to reach out to me and my team. Let’s discuss your goals and how facial fat grafting can help you achieve them. Remember, the first step is just a conversation. Let’s start that conversation today.
Or you’re welcome to call us at +1 (305) 209-881
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Suite 701
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