The mid-facelift offers you a targeted approach to facial rejuvenation, addressing specific cosmetic concerns and creating your ideal results.
What Is a Mid-Facelift?
The mid-facelift is a surgical procedure that focuses on lifting and tightening the middle third of the face, primarily the areas around the cheeks and lower eyelids. Unlike a traditional facelift that addresses the entire face and neck, a mid-facelift specifically targets sagging tissues and restores volume to the cheekbones, resulting in a refreshed and youthful look.
By expertly repositioning and elevating your facial tissues, Dr. Chopra’s mid-facelift effectively reduces the appearance of nasolabial folds and improves the attractive contours of your mid-face region. The mid-facelift offers you natural-looking results with less downtime, so you can enjoy exciting results without impacting your personal schedule.